Category: Hair Loss

Healthy Scalp & Healthy Hair

A healthy scalp is essential for maintaining healthy hair. Not only does it prevent hair loss and breakage, but it also helps to promote hair growth and overall hair health. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of maintaining a healthy scalp and provide some tips on how to achieve one. Why is a…

Best Foods for Healthy Hair

We all love long and healthy hair and there are many factors which can affect the growth of your hair. We tend to try different shampoos and other medications for hair in order to have a healthy growth and reduce hair fall. Have you ever thought that food can also affect your hair and its…

Can Yoga Promote Hair Growth?

Can Yoga Promote Hair Growth? Yoga is a spiritual discipline which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and soul. The name yoga is derived from Sanskrit. There are several asanas in yoga and each one of them helps you building strength of your body. The yoga asanas or postures helps in improving blood circulation which…

Be cautious of your wet hair

Wet hair is more fragile than normal hair. “When your hair is wet with water, the hair shaft expands. This lifts up the top layer of the hair. To stop hair from breaking do not brush your hair when wet. The extra stress from brushing may break the hair follicles.” says Ravi Bhanot, author of…

Can baldness stop you from going ahead?

According to study, bald people are more likely to lose out on work – and even marriage –  because hair loss is discouraged in society. According to experts, the effect of baldness is not only cosmetic, but also has a psychological impact on people’s self-confidence, which can affect their life chances. Due to mistaken beliefs…

October is Black History Month. Time to celebrate

October is Black History Month, and here at Coolherbals, we want to use this time as an opportunity for celebration and awareness. Where would society be today without inventors and positive creations of Black people in the community? They have contributed greatly to our society and their input is now recognised and appreciated. People from…

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