How to strengthen the heart naturally

This is the Ayurvedic approach to help the heart get stronger. There is a certain amount of optimum pressure to for blood to go around the veins and arteries. Problems arise when:

A. There is an increase in thickness in blood
B. Increase in speed of blood flowing or
C. The blood vessels are reduced in size.

There are 3 types of high blood pressure: Vata, Pitta and Kapha

 In Vata condition blood pressure the blood vessels have reduced in size – quite often seen with age. The thickening of blood vessels and the passage narrowing causes what is called essential hypertension. When arteries narrow due to fatty deposits on the artery walls or when the blood becomes thicker it is called a Kapha condition. When the blood travels faster it is called a Pitta condition. There may be several factors making blood pressure worse – both physical and emotional stress. These could be such as stressful conditions such as speaking in public. Most of these conditions usually only cause temporary high blood pressure. Rest and relaxation usually bring the blood pressure down. However if the blood pressure stays high it could be dangerous. High blood pressure or hypertension requires a doctor’s supervision as this can be potentially life-threatening.

Try the natural means described below with your Doctor’s approval. It is hoped that this plan, if successful, will mean the supervision will be less and less and hopefully you could gradually reduce the dosage of your medication.

How to strengthen the heart naturally

The plan of action:
In considering life style changes look at diet, exercises, herbs, meditation, and yoga.

Diet: Foods that can help control high blood pressure:

A. Reduce foods that increase Pitta or heat in the body. These include salt, fatty fried foods and hot spicy food.   

B. Try having honey water. Add one teaspoonful honey, 10-15 drops Coolherbals Hawthorn and Passionflower tincture and 10 drops cider vinegar to a cup of hot water and drink it first thing in the morning. This helps in reducing cholesterol, maintaining vasodilation and controlling blood pressure.

C. Eat cucumber yogurt with your meal. Get some natural yogurt, add grated cucumber to it and add to taste cumin, hing and black mustard seeds.

D. Mix orange juice 2 parts and coconut water 1 part and add 4 drops of Coolherbals Hawthorn and Passionflower tincture. Drink a half to one cup twice daily.

E. Have a daily multiple vitamins multiple minerals capsule (Male, Female) to give the food the heart requires for a healthy heart. Cooling destroys some vitamins and minerals. Quite often one or more of the essential ingredients is therefore missing. Coolherbals Protein, Vitamins and Minerals capsules give you all the 22 amino acids that make protein as well as vitamins and minerals you need daily, from 100% vegetarian sources.

How to strengthen the heart naturally. MeditationMeditation: Try the So-Hum meditation. Sit quietly and watch your breath. On inhalation add sound So and Hum on exhalation. Say it silently – there is no need to speak the words. In breathing – ‘in’ is living expiration whilst breathing ‘out’ is dying. When a child is born its first breath is an inspiration and when we die or expire we breathe out. In saying Hum means I or ego and So means ‘He the divine’. In this breathing So or life goes in and Hum or ego goes out.

Breathing exercise: Gentle shitali pranayama can help as it cools the Pitta or heat in the body. Make a tube of your tongue and inhale through the tube into the abdomen for 5-10 seconds, close the mouth and then breathe out through the nose.

Yoga: The Yoga mudra would help. This is where you sit on the floor. Have your arms behind your back crisscrossed touching your waist. Bring your head parallel to the floor. Hold there for a few seconds and go back to sitting straight. Repeat 10 times daily. Exercise with caution. Avoid strenuous exercises or carrying heavy weights.

How do you know the plan has worked? Keep an eye on your blood pressure and how you feel from within.

For any advice or suggestions email Ravi Bhanot or Sushma Bhanot at

Ravi Bhanot MRPharmS Dip(Nutr) Dip(Ayurv) Dip(Stress Manag) Dip(Massage) JP

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