Although our feet do a lot of work, they are the least pampered part of our body.Standing all day, whether work or looking after children, can do a real number on your feet, legs, and back. This Mothers Day try pampering the feet. Massaging the feet can really help relax, particularly after a long day of standing up and walking around. Say goodbye to tired, swollen feet and enjoy the benefits of a home foot massage.
As Mother’s Day is fast approaching it is time to honor mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers for their contribution to family and society.
Give them a treat – try our Cooherbals Luxury Foot Spa Treatment & feel the difference
Here are 5 Benefits Of Using the Luxury Foot Spa and foot massage:
1. Improving your circulation
After cleaning the feet with Coolherbals Sweet Almond and Aloe Vera Cleanser, massage the feet for about ten minutes. The Aloe Vera is antibacterial and soothing and helps any mild inflammation that may exist whilst the almond softens the skin. Do this last thing before going to bed can greatly improve circulation in the lower extremities, making you feel better and comfortable. If you are suffering from diabetes a daily foot massage is particularly important as it boosts the natural flow of blood through the body.
Why not try: Combining a regular foot massage with reflexology to promote psychological as well as physical health
2. Reduce toxins and alleviate mood
The second step is applying the Sandalwood Exfoliator. The antiaging turmeric and exfoliating sandalwood in it help keep the skin firmer and help get rid of toxins. There have been many studies in the last few years showing the effects of removing toxins. The procedure helps to relax the feet and helps in alleviating mood.
Why not try: Foot massage just before going to bed. It can help you sleep better, unwind the body, and relax the nerves
3. Helping with headaches and migraines
The Rehydrating Gel is applied as the last step. The cooling aloe vera and honey in it cools the sole of the foot and helps with headaches and migraines.
4. Helps with flat feet
People with flat feet do not have a normal foot arch due to ligament laxity, which causes the arch to collapse. People may experience foot pain after mild physical activity due to flat feet. Regular strong pressure foot massage with the Sandalwood Exfoliator can help significantly lessen the pain as the exfoliating ingredients remove the toxins and waste products responsible for the pain.
Why not try: Roll a foot roller back and forth on the soles as well as over the top of your feet for a quick massage
5. Helps alleviate symptoms of PMS and menopause
The most common symptoms suffered during PMS include feelings of sadness and unhappiness, irritability, anxiety, tension, insomnia, fatigue, headaches and mood swings. Most of these symptoms can be alleviated with daily foot massages using the Coolherbals Luxury Foot Spa.during this period.