Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy | Coolherbals Natural Health And Beauty ProductsOur natural health and beauty products, therapies and massages come after 15 years of research stretching four continents and visiting people of different cultures, backgrounds and colours. Well you have to have an excuse for travelling! We have taken into account what works best, from eastern herbs and western herbs.

By using fine natural ingredients and easy applications our products are top hit with celebrities and artists the world over.

We appreciate that to get the best of any treatment the approach must be holistic. Focus on diet and life style is important. Use the tried and tested ayurvedic or ancient Indian philosophy for best results.

Our plans are followed by thousands of professionals and consumers the world over. These can be read in our best selling books by Ravi Bhanot and Sushma Bhanot:  Hair Today…Hair TomorrowSlimmer in 1 Hour…Slimmer Forever and Secrets Of How To Do Ayurvedic Massages Head To Toe

Our research and manufacture is in Britain.

The Nutrigro® Hair Plan focuses on the whole person, including lifestyle and diet. It provides a unique approach to keeping hair healthy for longer … using a holistic approach –  Professor R Gupta OBE, MD, FRCP (E), MBA University of Lancaster UK.

A sensible and practical approach which will help in achieving not only weight loss but also a healthy lifestyle long term – Professor Rob Campbell of Bolton University.


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